Long Tails Keywords: Uncovering Lesser-Known SEO Opportunities

The Tale of the Long Tail Keyword

So, what’s the story behind these ‘long tail keywords’? It’s quite a tale, let me tell you. These aren’t your average, run-of-the-mill keywords. They’re more like the colourful, exotic parrots of the keyword world, with tails that stretch out far and wide. And just like a parrot’s tail, they’re full of detail and nuance.

Long tail keywords are typically phrases with three or more words. They’re specific and targeted, like a heat-seeking missile locked onto its target. They might not have the search volume of their shorter counterparts, but they make up for it in other ways. And we’ll get into that, don’t you worry.

Keyword Kaleidoscope: Short Tail vs. Long Tail

Imagine the world of keywords as a grand, beautiful kaleidoscope. Some pieces are big and chunky, covering a lot of ground – these are your short tail keywords. Things like ‘shoes’ or ‘chocolate’ – broad and competitive, like a sumo wrestler.

Then, there are the smaller, more intricate pieces. These are your long tail keywords. They’re precise, like ‘vegan chocolate chip cookies in Dublin’ or ‘red high-heeled shoes for wedding’. Sure, they’re a bit of a mouthful, but they’re laser-focused on a specific idea or intent.

Long Tails in the Wild: Examples

Now, let’s see these keywords in the wild, shall we? For example, if you’re in the business of selling gourmet dog food, a short tail keyword might be ‘dog food’. But a long tail keyword? That could be ‘grain-free gourmet dog food for poodles’. See the difference? The long tail keyword is like a well-trained retriever – it knows exactly where it’s going and what it’s looking for.

The Secret Sauce: Why Long Tail Keywords Matter

So, why should you give two hoots about long tail keywords? Well, they’re the secret sauce to a well-seasoned SEO strategy. They might not have the same mass appeal as short tail keywords, but they have a knack for attracting the right kind of attention.

When it comes to SEO, it’s not just about getting traffic, it’s about getting the right traffic. And that’s where long tail keywords strut their stuff. They’re all about quality over quantity, like a gourmet cheese compared to a supermarket cheddar.

The User Intent Connection

Long tail keywords have a special connection with user intent. They’re like two peas in a pod. When someone types a specific, long-tail phrase into a search engine, they know what they want. And if your content matches that intent, bingo! You’ve got a match made in SEO heaven.

Let’s say someone searches for ‘best vegan pizza restaurant in Cork’. That’s a long tail keyword. The person isn’t just looking for pizza, or even vegan pizza. They want the best vegan pizza in Cork. If that’s what you’re offering, you’re in luck!

Lower Competition Higher Success

Long tail keywords have the charm of a local pub. They’re less crowded, and there’s a sense of community. With short tail keywords, you’re battling for attention with countless other websites. It’s like trying to be heard in a packed stadium. But with long tail keywords, the competition is reduced. It’s a quieter space, where you can really make your voice heard.

This lower competition means you’ve got a better chance of ranking highly in search results. It’s like being a big fish in a small pond. There’s less jostling for attention and a better chance of getting noticed.

Sourcing the Seeds: How to Find Long Tail Keywords

So, where do you find these long tail keywords? They’re not just lying around on the pavement, after all. You need to know where to look. Consider this your treasure map to finding the golden nuggets of long tail keywords.

Finding the right long tail keywords is a bit like bird watching. You need patience, attention to detail, and a knack for understanding patterns. But don’t worry, we’ll guide you through it.

Autocomplete: The Search Engine’s Crystal Ball

Did you know that search engines can predict the future? Well, sort of. When you start typing into a search engine, it tries to guess what you’re going to type. This autocomplete feature is a bit like a crystal ball for long tail keywords.

Try typing in the start of a phrase and see what the search engine suggests. These suggestions are often great long tail keywords. It’s like getting SEO advice straight from the horse’s mouth!

Online Forums: The Digital Whisperers

Online forums are a bit like the town square of the internet. It’s where people come to chat, ask questions, and share advice. And it’s a goldmine for long tail keywords. Why? Because people often use natural, conversational language in forums. And this can give you great insight into the kind of phrases people use when they’re searching online.

Think of forums like a digital eavesdropping opportunity. You’re not spying, you’re just… listening carefully. So, get out there and start exploring. You never know what you might find.

The Power of ‘People Also Ask’

Have you ever noticed that little ‘People also ask’ box that pops up in search results? It’s like a mini Q&A session with Google. And guess what? It’s also a fantastic source of long tail keywords. These are questions that real people are asking, right now. And if you can answer those questions, you’re onto a winner.

The Art of Cultivation: How to Use Long Tail Keywords

So, you’ve found your long tail keywords. Well done, you! But what do you do with them? It’s all well and good having a handful of seeds, but you need to know how to plant them. And that’s what we’re going to explore next.

Using long tail keywords isn’t a case of throwing them into your content and hoping for the best. It’s an art. It’s about weaving them into your content in a way that feels natural and organic. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get stuck in.

Strategic Placement: The Digital Chessboard

Think of your website as a digital chessboard, with each piece playing a critical role. Your long tail keywords? They’re your queen – powerful, versatile, and able to make a significant impact. But, like the queen, they need to be used strategically.

Where you place your keywords can make a big difference. Your headline, subheadings, and meta descriptions are prime real estate. But don’t forget about the body of your content, and even your URL. These are all crucial places to sprinkle your long tail keywords, like seasoning a delicious meal.

Content Creation: The Keyword Canvas

Remember, your content isn’t a dumping ground for keywords. It’s a canvas, and your keywords are the paint. You need to use them to create something meaningful and engaging. This means crafting content around your long tail keywords that provides value to your audience.

Don’t just stuff your keywords in willy-nilly. Use them as a springboard for content ideas. If one of your long tail keywords is ‘how to make vegan chocolate cake’, why not create a step-by-step guide? Or if ‘best hiking trails in Kerry’ is on your list, how about a blog post detailing your top picks? Be creative!

Voice Search: The Sound of SEO

As we march further into the future, voice search is becoming increasingly important. People aren’t just typing into search engines anymore; they’re talking to them. And when people talk, they tend to use more natural, conversational language. This makes long tail keywords all the more important. So, make sure your keywords sound as good as they look!

Advanced Long Tail Keyword Tactics

Now that you’re comfortable with the basics, let’s step it up a notch. These advanced tactics are like the secret handshake of the SEO world. They’re not for the faint-hearted, but if you’re ready to dive in, they can really give your SEO strategy a boost.

Remember, SEO isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. It’s about long-term, sustainable success. And these advanced tactics can help you get there.

Fostering Keyword Clusters

Imagine a beautiful, blooming flower. Now, imagine that flower is your main keyword. The petals? Those are your long tail keywords. This is the concept of keyword clusters. By creating content around a main keyword and various long tail keywords, you create a cluster of related content. This can help you rank for a wider range of keywords.

Creating keyword clusters is like planting a garden. You’re not just growing one plant; you’re cultivating an entire ecosystem. And search engines love this. It shows them that you’re an authority on the topic, and this can boost your SEO.

Landing Pages: The Long Tail Landing Strip

Landing pages are like the welcome mat of your website. They’re the first thing visitors see when they arrive. And they can be a great place to utilise your long tail keywords. By creating landing pages tailored to specific long tail keywords, you can attract highly targeted traffic.

Think of it like this: each landing page is a runway, and each long tail keyword is a plane. The more runways you have, the more planes you can land.

The Role of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Let’s get a bit technical for a moment. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a system search engines use to understand related terms and concepts. It’s like the search engine’s thesaurus. LSI keywords aren’t exactly the same as your main keyword, but they’re related. Like ‘biscuit’ and ‘cookie’.

Using LSI keywords in your content can help search engines understand your content better. And the better they understand your content, the better your chances of ranking highly in search results. It’s like giving the search engine a helping hand.

Conclusion: The Long and Short of Long Tail Keywords

Phew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? But hopefully, you now see the power and potential of long tail keywords. They might be a bit more work, but they’re worth it. They can help you attract the right kind of traffic, reduce competition, and boost your SEO. It’s like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But remember, SEO is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and a lot of tinkering. But with long tail keywords in your toolkit, you’re well on your way.

And hey, if you ever need a hand, that’s where we come in. At Kinsale SEO, we’re experts in all things SEO. We offer services such as SEO Auditing, to make sure your site is in top form, and Local SEO, to help you make a splash in your community. We’re also pros at Link Building and SEO Training, so you can learn the ropes. So why not give us a shout? We’d love to help you on your SEO journey. Find out more about our services here.


Are long tail keywords better than short tail keywords?

That’s like asking if a pint is better than a shot. It depends on the situation! Both have their place. Short tail keywords can attract a larger audience, but they’re also more competitive. Long tail keywords, on the other hand, attract a smaller, more targeted audience and are less competitive. So, it’s about finding the right balance for your business.

How many words should a long tail keyword have?

There’s no magic number, but generally, long tail keywords are three words or more. Think of it like a good craic at the pub. One or two words might get you started, but it’s those longer, more detailed conversations that really get interesting!

Can I use too many long tail keywords?

Absolutely! Using too many keywords (of any kind) can lead to keyword stuffing, which search engines frown upon. It’s like overdoing it on the sauce on your chips – a little adds flavour, but too much can ruin the meal. So use keywords strategically and in moderation.

How do I find long tail keywords for my business?

Finding long tail keywords is a bit like a treasure hunt. You can use tools like autocomplete on search engines, online forums, and the ‘People also ask’ feature on search results. It’s all about understanding your audience and the kind of phrases they use when searching online.

Where should I use my long tail keywords?

Think of your long tail keywords as the spice in your SEO strategy. You want to sprinkle them throughout your content. This includes your headline, subheadings, meta descriptions, URL, and the body of your content. But remember, always keep it natural and relevant!

What are keyword clusters?

Keyword clusters are like a family of related keywords. You have your main keyword (the parent), and then a bunch of related long tail keywords (the children). By creating content around all of these keywords, you can rank for a wider range of phrases.

What is voice search and why is it important?

Voice search is when people use their voice to search online, usually through a digital assistant like Siri or Alexa. It’s important because when people use voice search, they tend to use longer, more natural phrases. This makes long tail keywords even more crucial.

What is Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)?

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a system that search engines use to understand related terms and concepts. It’s like the search engine’s thesaurus. Using LSI keywords can help search engines understand your content better, and can boost your SEO.


About the author

Casey Meraz is the Founder of Kinsale SEO, Juris Digital, Solicitor Digital and Ethical SEO Consulting. He has been helping companies thrive online through effective organic SEO and Local SEO programs.

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