Guide to Location Citations for Irish Businesses

Local citations are the anchors, the immovable rocks upon which the edifice of your online presence is built. But what exactly are these mysterious constructs? A local citation is an online reference to your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). You’ll find these scattered across various platforms – online directories, websites, social platforms, even apps.

Imagine an old, well-worn map of a city. Local citations are the crucial landmarks – the castle here, the old mill there – helping people navigate to your business in the vast urban jungle that is the internet. Without them, your business risks becoming an undiscovered treasure, its potential riches left untapped.

What are Local Citations

Breaking it down, local citations come in two flavours – structured and unstructured. Structured citations are your business’s NAP details on business listing directories like Yelp, Google My Business, or the local chamber of commerce website. On the other hand, unstructured citations are mentions of your business in blog posts, newspaper articles, or as part of a wider narrative.

Think of structured citations like the defined lines and clear lettering on a road sign, whereas unstructured citations are more like a local whispering directions to a hidden gem – less formal, but no less valuable.

Why are Local Citations Important

So, we’ve established what local citations are, but why do they matter? Well, they matter a great deal, and here’s why. Local citations directly influence your local search engine rankings, impacting how easily potential customers can find your business online.

Each citation increases the degree of certainty, and thus trust, search engines have in the fact that your business exists and the information provided is accurate. This, in turn, boosts your business’s local search engine optimisation (SEO) – the lighthouse guiding customers safely to your digital shores.

Path to Building Local Citations

Building local citations is akin to building those crucial landmarks on our city map. But how do you begin the construction? You’ve got two main tools in your toolkit: manual building and automated building. Both come with their strengths and their challenges.

The manual approach involves reaching out to individual directories and websites, asking them to include your business in their listings. It’s a lot like knocking on doors and introducing yourself to your neighbours when you first move into a new community.

Manual Building

So, let’s delve a bit deeper into the manual building method. It’s time-consuming and labour-intensive, sure. But it also offers precision and control that the automated method can’t match. You can choose exactly where you want your business to be listed and ensure the information provided is spot on.

Remember, quality trumps quantity. It’s more beneficial to have a handful of accurate, consistent citations on relevant, reputable sites than a flood of inconsistent or inaccurate ones on lesser-known or irrelevant sites.

Automated Building

Automated citation building, on the other hand, is a bit like casting a wide net into the sea of the internet, hoping to catch as many citations as possible. It involves using software or services that distribute your business information to a network of directories.

It’s a quicker and less laborious approach. But, like a net, it might snag a few unwanted catches – incorrect listings, low-quality directories – alongside the desired ones. That’s why it’s crucial to keep an eye on the quality and accuracy of automated citations.

Diving Deeper: Structured vs Unstructured Citations

The digital world, much like the real one, offers diverse avenues for your business to be recognised. This recognition comes in the form of structured and unstructured citations. Understanding the two is like knowing the difference between a well-paved road and an off-beaten path, both leading to the same destination – visibility for your business.

The approach to these differing pathways must also be distinct. Therefore, let’s don our explorer’s cap and navigate through the terrains of these citations.

Structured Citations

Structured citations are like the coordinates of your business in the digital world. These are your business’s Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) details present on business listing directories such as Yelp, Bing Places, or Google My Business. Imagine them as signposts on the information highway, guiding potential customers to your business.

Remember, these signposts need to be accurate, consistent, and up-to-date. Any discrepancies can misdirect users and search engines, detracting from your online visibility and credibility.

Unstructured Citations

Unstructured citations, on the other hand, are your business’s mentions in unexpected corners of the digital world. These could pop up in a blog post, a social media update, or even a YouTube video description – the little breadcrumbs that lead customers to your door.

While you have less control over these, they do add to your business’s online presence, much like a well-respected local mentioning your business adds to your reputation in a physical community.

Pivotal Platforms for Local Citation Building

Our digital voyage now takes us to the bustling ports of the internet – platforms that are instrumental for local citation building. They’re the bazaars and marketplaces of our city map, humming with activity, and offering ample opportunities for visibility.

Among these, Google My Business and local directories stand out as the primary locales. Let’s take a closer look.

Google My Business

Google My Business is the bustling town square of the digital world. As the most widely used search engine, Google can give your business an unparalleled level of visibility. By listing your business here, you are placing it on the world’s most viewed digital map.

A Google My Business profile, filled out in detail, is like a beacon shining brightly, drawing in potential customers. It not only increases your visibility but also your credibility. After all, a business that’s prominently displayed on Google carries a certain gravitas.

Local Directories

While Google My Business is a giant in the field, local directories are the hidden gems of citation building. They’re like the local pubs and corner shops, smaller in scale but deeply embedded in the community.

Listing your business in relevant local directories enhances your local SEO and connects you with a targeted, engaged audience. But as with any other citation, consistency and accuracy of your business information are key.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

In the realm of local citations, as in any grand venture, there are potential pitfalls. Missteps on this path could lead to inconsistent listings, inaccurate information, or a quantity-over-quality approach. These are the rocky shores and treacherous currents that could scuttle your business’s online visibility.

But fear not, for every hazard there is a navigational chart, a way to steer clear and stay on course. Let’s examine these pitfalls and their respective avoidance strategies.

Inconsistent Information

In the world of local citations, consistency is king. Inconsistent business information across various platforms is like signposts pointing in different directions – confusing for customers and detrimental for your online reputation.

Ensure that your business’s NAP information is consistent across all platforms. Any changes, like moving to a new address or changing your phone number, should be promptly updated everywhere. It’s a meticulous task, yes, but one that ensures your digital signposts always lead customers accurately to your business.

Quantity Over Quality

While building local citations, it’s easy to be swept away by the currents of ‘more is better’. But remember, in this ocean, the size of the net isn’t as important as the quality of the catch. One accurate, consistent citation on a reputable site is worth more than a dozen inaccurate ones on low-quality directories.

Focus on gaining high-quality citations on reputable platforms relevant to your business. It’s a matter of wielding a fishing rod with skill, rather than casting a wide, uncontrolled net.

Optimising Local Citations

Building local citations is just the start of your voyage. The true art lies in optimisation – monitoring, updating, and responding to reviews. It’s like the necessary maintenance work that keeps a ship seaworthy, enabling it to continue its adventure on the high seas.

Let’s explore these tasks of optimisation and understand how they add value to your local citation strategy.

Monitoring and Updating

Monitoring your local citations is like keeping a keen eye on the horizon, watching for any changes or issues. Regular checks ensure that your citations remain accurate, consistent, and up-to-date.

Updating information, adding photos, or tweaking descriptions keeps your listings fresh and engaging. It’s like adding new sails to your ship, improving its performance and appeal.

Responding to Reviews

Responding to reviews is another vital aspect of citation optimisation. Positive or negative, each review is a message in a bottle from your customers, carrying valuable insights and feedback.

By responding promptly and professionally to these reviews, you not only improve your online reputation but also demonstrate that you value your customers’ opinions. It’s a sure way to build strong relationships and steer your business towards success.


Our voyage through the seas of local citations is coming to a close. We’ve explored the terrain, understood the strategies, and learned to avoid the pitfalls. The rewards are enticing – improved visibility, enhanced SEO, and a thriving business. But remember, no successful voyage is a solo endeavour. The expertise of Kinsale SEO, the best SEO company in Ireland, is at your disposal. Together, we’ll set the right course and sail towards the horizon of success. Join us, and let’s make your business’s online presence the talk of the digital town.


Q3: What are structured and unstructured citations?

A3: Structured citations are your business’s Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) details present on business listing directories like Google My Business or Yelp. Unstructured citations, on the other hand, are mentions of your business in blog posts, social media updates, or other less formal platforms.

Q4: Which platforms are important for building local citations?

A4: Google My Business is a key platform due to its extensive reach. Local directories are also important as they offer more targeted exposure for your business. In addition, social media platforms and industry-specific directories can also be beneficial.

Q5: What common pitfalls should I avoid while building local citations?

A5: The most common pitfalls include inconsistent business information across various platforms and focusing on quantity over quality. It’s important to maintain consistent, accurate information and prioritise high-quality citations on reputable platforms.

Q6: How can I optimise my local citations?

A6: Optimising local citations involves monitoring and updating your listings regularly, ensuring consistency and accuracy. It also includes responding to customer reviews in a timely and professional manner.

About the author

Casey Meraz is the Founder of Kinsale SEO, Juris Digital, Solicitor Digital and Ethical SEO Consulting. He has been helping companies thrive online through effective organic SEO and Local SEO programs.

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